Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

My Dream Helmet

Well, this is a helmet that i wear recently. Terlihat seperti helm yang biasa dibawa downhill ya? Padahal Gad sama sekali belum pernah downhil-downhillan, even ke Warban pun belum pernah. Hehehe.
Jadi kenapa bisa jadi se-budug ini helmnya?
Itu karna Gad sangat sembrono kalo naro helm. Hehehe..

Anyway, Gad lagi nyari helm baru nih. Tapi gad nyarinya helm yg lebih terlihat stylish.
Stylish helmet.
Hm, kayaknya gad belum pernah bgt ngeliat helm sepedah yg cukup gaya disini. Ah, tapi Gad tetep penasaran nyari helm pengganti si helm budug. Sepertinya google bisa diandalkan buat pencarian helm.

Aha! Akhirnya ketemu juga! And here goes the 2 most stylish bicycle helmet, my dream helmet..


 Actually, this is not a helmet, this is a helmet cover. So you can change it everytime, depends on your style and moods. It makes you look like you're not wearing a helmet, it's like wearing a superb cool hat. Love love love this helmet!

2. Bern!

I just love the details on this helmet. The grey one called Bern Muse, and the cyan one called Bern Watts. Well, if i have to choose one, i prefer Watts over Muse. Altough the Muse looks more girly, but the Muse doesn't have air vents. Ya kebayang ga sih sepedahan di Indonesia tanpa air vents di helmnya? Sedingin-dinginnya Indonesia juga pasti tetep aja panas kalo sepedahan..

Tapi tapi tapi sayangnya, helm-helm ini ga ada yg jual disini :(. But we can shop online through their website or online retailers. We can also buy those cool helmet on London Cycle Chic online store. Tapi kalo shipping dari Inggris kesini kayaknya pajaknya gede yah?

Hm jadi terpikir untuk jadi retailers Bern sama Yakkay :p

Gadis & Semilir

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