via: flickr
I think tall bike will be the next big thing after fixie.
My opinion?
I do think this bike looks cool. But i just can't stop asking, how do they stop their bike?
Is there any stairs? Or something that can hold it steady?
Well, i geuss this bike will be booming in Indonesia about 6 to 8 months.
Gadis & Semilir
saya juga tidak habis pikir... gimana caranya biar tuh sepeda tetep ngajanteng klo lampu lagi merah?
BalasHapustrus apa enaknya naik sepeda tinggi ya? teu sieun kituh mun kena gapura?
heeh yah. gad kira awalnya itu emang roda 4, ada rodanya lagi di belakang. eeh taunya tetep roda 2.
BalasHapusbeneeer! asa karagok pake sepedah tinggi mah. ada yg tinggi bgt bgt bgt loh, sampe 4 meteran. itu mah kebentok lampu merah yah?
hm, emang sih keliatannya lucu, tapi gad mah sama sekali ga pengen punya tall bike -,-
oh ini toh gad yg kamu bilang. keren juga. haha.. ga sabar pengen liat ni sepeda berseliweran di bandung.
BalasHapussetuju, aku juga ga pengen punya, kecuali uda bisa terbang, jalan di udara, biar ga jatoh2. haha..
iya ka din, pasti beberapa bulan lagi juga banyak sepedah kayak gini di Indon.
BalasHapushahahahaha setujuu jugaa! itu kalo jatoh dari sepedah ini males banget, kan sepedahnya tinggi banget -,-
view me at
BalasHapusjust check your blog. wow! do you really wear 'em to cycling around the city? how do you stop it on the traffic jam?
BalasHapusindonesia bentar lagi keluar nih sepeda kaya gini tapi kumaha cara ereun na nya? maenya dek luncat kitu? *pertanyaan yang sama haha
BalasHapusyes i have one (tall bike)
BalasHapusplease visit me
thanks you.
BalasHapusIf you’ve ever ridden a tall bike, you can understand the attraction: Finally, for the first time in your bike-riding life, you’re not just traffic, you’re above traffic.
for ridden tall bike It is much simpler than you might think. On the lower part of the "backbone" there is a small step. The rider stands in back of the bike, with hands holding the handlebar grips, with a foot up on the step and lower pedal to lowest position then push off to gain motion with left foot on left pedal and Pushing forward to get enough momentum to steer and balance, swing right leg over then steps up, puts feet on the pedals, and rides on.
if we on traffic jam, we just hold on a car.
di jogja udah ada nih..hehe..
BalasHapussalam kenal dari jogja ya. kapan" kejogja yah..
ntar main sepeda ini barengan...
di indo uda ada kok dari taun 2006-2007an tapi gak nyebar ke kota" cuma kota" tertentu aja..
di bawa dari italy "PIERO" pengen tau lebih jelas... main ke jogja ya..
salam kenal : Rama /Kunc