Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Funbike Gowes Geulis


Vintage Cycle Chic - Paris 1945

Found these beautiful photos from Copenhagen Cycle Chic...




This proof that every women who dressed pretty on her bicycle always looked beautiful from every age. It's everlasting.

What a beauty..

See the original post here.


Oke, sekarang Gad mau ngejawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang biasa ditanyain orang-orang tentang Bandung Cycle Chic. Here we go :)

Sebenernya ini tuh komunitas atau apa sih? Kok anggotanya dikit amat?
Sebenarnya Bandung Cycle Chic (BCC) itu movement / gerakan. Foto orang-orang yang biasa ada di sini itu cuman tim yang ngurusin blog & event-event aja, sebut aja "Tim Hore" :). Jadi kalau kamu mau ikutan, gausah pake daftar segala atau harus sepedahan bareng kita. Dengan kamu bersepedah dan willing buat tampil cantik juga udah jadi cycle chic kok :)

Kenapa bentuknya gerakan? Kenapa gak komunitas aja kayak komunitas sepeda lainnya?
Soalnya kita gak mau jadi eksklusif, kita mau semua orang bisa ikutan tanpa terikat apa-apa dan bisa pake sepeda apa aja. Kan tujuan dibuat BCC itu untuk ngajak pesepedah (khususnya cewek) buat sepedahan tapi tetep stylish, jadi kita gamau kehambat dengan adanya lebel eksklusif itu. Tapi bukan berarti kita ga ikutan komunitas sepeda yang lain lho. Kita mau anak sepeda dari komunitas apapun untuk ber-cycle chic-ria, tanpa ada gap dari komunitas apapun :)

Bandung Cycle Chic itu plagiatnya Copenhagen Cycle Chic ya?
Sebenernya yang nanya tentang ini cuman ada 1 orang hehe, tapi kita jawab aja siapa tau ada yang penasaran juga :).
Bukan, kita bukan plagiat. BCC emang awalnya ter-inspirasi dari Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Tapi sama kayak BCC, Copenhagen  Cycle Chic juga gerakan. Gerakan Cycle Chic ini udah menyebar di seluruh dunia, coba cek di blogroll Copenhagen Cycle Chic, ada London Cycle Chic, St.Petersburg Cycle Chic, Bandung Cycle Chic, dll. Jadi, BCC bukan plagiat, kami memperluas gerakan cycle chic :)

Gimana sih caranya ikutan Bandung Cycle Chic?
Seperti yang udah Gad jawab diatas, buat ikutan Bandung Cycle Chic ga perlu daftar atau apapun. Kamu cukup dressed up dan nunjukin bahwa sepedahan gak melulu sporty dan voila! You are a cycle chic! Cycle chic gak menutup kemungkinan buat cowok lho, cowok dressed up kan bukan berarti feminim ;p. A cycle chic dude are welcome :D.
Kalau kamu mau ikutan sepedahan sama Tim Hore, hehehe, kita sepedahan tiap hari minggu. Rutenya sih macem-macem, tapi yang pasti ngumpul dulu di Car Free Day dago. If you wanna join, just swing by and say hi! Jangan malu-malu buat langsung nyapa kita :)

Hey, kalau kamu punya pertanyaan lain lansung aja kirim ke gadisazahra@yahoo.com. Feel free to ask anything ;)


Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Sunday Morning Ride!

the ride..

in the Car Free Day..



inside the FSRD ITB..




Roti Gempol! as usual :p


Nyepedah Piknik! photos!









Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

shoot for Gowess Global TV

Yesterday (monday, actually) we had a shoot for a TV show called Gowess on Global TV. They had a episode that cover bicycle scene in Bandung. So there will be Fixie Congkak, B2W, Bike to Batik, Urbanstreet and Bandung All Mountain on that episode.

About the shooting? It was fun! Although we have to wait about 2 hours before the TV crew showed up and only a few of us that coming ('cause it was monday and many of us can't come), it was really  f u n !
And guess what was we doing while waiting?



me, with my new hair!


Let me introduce you our new friends! Well, i mean new for you, readers :p


Ira, you might recognize her from this post








And after the shooting ends, we're going to have lunch at BMC. f.y.i, BMC is one of the legendary cafe in Bandung.


In case wondering what do we do when cycling, let me tell you 5 words:
Girls, Bicycle, Cafe, Camera, Gossip.
Well, what you expect? :p

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show

Some photos of Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show that happen some weeks ago in the capital of Ireland. Oh, how i wanted to see one of those cycle fashion shows event. Or maybe.. to make my very own cycle fashion show in bandung.. Yea, me wish! :p

Bringázz a munkába (Bike to work) by Kostil Danila

found this uber cute video on vimeo :))

Bringázz a munkába (Bike to work) by Kostil Danila from Laci Falvay on Vimeo.

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

The Sartorialist

The Sartorialist, as you know, is one of the most inspiring street style blog. And one of the best thing about that blog is, he like to shoot people with bike!

see? fashion and bicycle can go very well.