Bandung are going to have Car Free Day every sunday morning. Any kind of vehicle that using gas are not allowed to pass Dago street. Yes people, it means... cyclist heaven! Woot woot!
Last week was a trial before the official launching of Car Free Day. It start from Taman Cikapayang to Simpang Dago street, 6am-10am.Hey kalian orang bandung, pasti udah hafal sama hecticnya lalu lintas di jalan dago, especially hari minggu. Tapi minggu kemarin, POOF, lalu lintas yang super hectic itu disulap jadi jalanan tanpa mobil! Woohoo!
CFD ini yang bikin Polwitabes. Angkat topi buat polwitabes! Akhirnya ada organisasi pemerintah yang bikin acara tanpa banyak wacana hihihi
Anyway, i've spotted some chic cyclist. But, sadly, there was a lot more chic cyclist dudes than girls. Hey girls, you still think bicycle is just for sport, don't ya? Not because you're cycling you have to wear a lycra-sport-thingy (no offense, still).
Please girls, note this, you can also wear something cute while you're on your bike.
winnie the pooh, cute~
Minggu ini, tanggal 9, bakal ada launching Car Free Day. Bandung Cycle Chic biasanya sepedahan dari jam 6, terus abis dari CFD lanjut ke BalKot. So i guess we'll see you there? ;)
minggu kemarin aku kesana, dan yeah
BalasHapusits really fun!
i met a lot people using bike
sebelumnya car free day ada kalo weekends bersepedahan dikit banget liat, paling liat bapak2 yang naik sepedah ke atas dago
sekarang woooo senang lihatnya :)
banyak sekali mau wanita dan pria :)
BalasHapuswaktu itu gw juga lewat sana, tp hanya lewat terus lanjut ke warban
Halo Bandung! Semoga Trial-nya Sukses dan dilanjutkan!
Is this car free sunday morning thing still continued ? Would love to try it out sometime, although I'm not that good at waking up early.. :-)
BalasHapusreally nice...
BalasHapusKeep up the good work
hey all! yeah, it's still going! and it keep evolve to expand the car free area :D
BalasHapussampai ketemu di car free day minggu depan sadayana ;)
found your blog and really impressed of the story.
BalasHapusalso surprise cause there are photos of me and my friends.
hope can riding together, no matter what kind of bike.
hehehe... aku adalah the boys yang pake fedora hat !